
dip in the pool web


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dip in the pool was formed in 1983 by Tatsuji Kimura and Miyako Koda. They soon earned a reputation in the subculture scene because of their unique sense of music and fashion, and in 1985, they debuted in England on the Rough Trade label, in other European countries on Virgin Records, and on Alfa Moon Records in Japan. 
Since then, they have been true to their own style, which is an exquisite combination of sensitive and minimalist tracks by Tatsuji Kimura and of pure floating voice of Miyako Koda. In 1988, their single “Miracle Play on a Christmas Day,” which was commissioned by Marui Department Store for a television commercial, rose in the charts. 
In 1991, WEA Hong-Kong began promoting them with great success in Asia. They released four albums on Moon Records, three on Epic Sony Records, and one from East Works Entertainment. In recording these albums, they worked with many brilliant musicians, including Masahide Sakuma, Yasuaki Shimizu, Haruo Kubota, Satoshi Tomiie, Tony Levin, Mino Cinelu, Morgan Fisher, and Peter Scherer. 
In 1998, E.W.E. released Miyako Koda’s solo album Jupiter with tracks composed and produced by Haruomi Hosono, Yasuaki Shimizu, Towa Tei, Gonzaleth Mikami, and Peter Scherer. 
At the same time, Miyako Koda made her screen debut in Fancy Dance directed by Suoh Masayuki. In 1999, she played a heroine in Tezka Makoto’s Hakuchi and attended the Venice Film Festival. Meanwhile, Tatsuji Kimura has been working as a composer, as an arranger, and as a producer for various new artists. His work may also be found in movies and commercials. 
In 2011, dip in the pool released the album brown eyes on bellwood records. Friends produced three music videos for this album.
In 2013, Tatsuji Kimura released an album named Portmanteau with Morgan Fisher and Toshiyuki Yasuda. Miyako Koda was featured as a main vocalist for their first album.

In 2015, they released the album HIGHWIRE WALKER on Bellwood records and did a tour from March through April.
In 2016  “On Retinae “(originally in 1989) 12 inch ver. was reissued from the label ‘Music from memory’ in Amsterdam, which has a worldwide reputation as a good maniac music hunter from the past. “On Retinae “ was welcomed again to the world of today.
In 2017 ‘Valve ’ was released from RVNG NY, co-created  with an ambient duo ‘Visible Cloaks’ in Portland. And they performed together “BALEARIC PARK - RVNG.INTL. JAPAN SHOWCASE” at Shibuya WWW Tokyo, on Nov.
In 2018 They made a tour in Australia (Melbourne, Sydney) with Music From Memory team on Jun.
In 2019 They made a tour in EU (Paris at La Gaîté Lyrique, Stockholm at Hosoi) on May.
In 2020 They made a virtual world tour 'Around the World in a Day' (in each 3 time zone...JST for Asia, Oceania, CET for Europe, Africa, CDT for North and South America.) at RiTTOR BASE Tokyo on Aug.

In 2021 They made a tour "Departures" .(Tokyo, Kyoto, Sapporo)
In 2022 They they released the single "What about this love" and the album "8 red now". and they made live events "Immersive voices - dip in the pool 2022 live" with KORG Live Extreme. (High-res streaming service)


dip in the pool was formed in 1983 by Tatsuji Kimura and Miyako Koda. They soon earned a reputation in the subculture scene because of their unique sense of music and fashion, and in 1985, they debuted in England on the Rough Trade label, in other European countries on Virgin Records, and on Alfa Moon Records in Japan. 
Since then, they have been true to their own style, which is an exquisite combination of sensitive and minimalist tracks by Tatsuji Kimura and of pure floating voice of Miyako Koda. In 1988, their single “Miracle Play on a Christmas Day,” which was commissioned by Marui Department Store for a television commercial, rose in the charts. 
In 1991, WEA Hong-Kong began promoting them with great success in Asia. They released four albums on Moon Records, three on Epic Sony Records, and one from East Works Entertainment. In recording these albums, they worked with many brilliant musicians, including Masahide Sakuma, Yasuaki Shimizu, Haruo Kubota, Satoshi Tomiie, Tony Levin, Mino Cinelu, Morgan Fisher, and Peter Scherer. 
In 1998, E.W.E. released Miyako Koda’s solo album Jupiter with tracks composed and produced by Haruomi Hosono, Yasuaki Shimizu, Towa Tei, Gonzaleth Mikami, and Peter Scherer. 
At the same time, Miyako Koda made her screen debut in Fancy Dance directed by Suoh Masayuki. In 1999, she played a heroine in Tezka Makoto’s Hakuchi and attended the Venice Film Festival. Meanwhile, Tatsuji Kimura has been working as a composer, as an arranger, and as a producer for various new artists. His work may also be found in movies and commercials. 
In 2011, dip in the pool released the album brown eyes on bellwood records. Friends produced three music videos for this album.
In 2013, Tatsuji Kimura released an album named Portmanteau with Morgan Fisher and Toshiyuki Yasuda. Miyako Koda was featured as a main vocalist for their first album.

In 2015, they released the album HIGHWIRE WALKER on Bellwood records and did a tour from March through April.
In 2016  “On Retinae “(originally in 1989) 12 inch ver. was reissued from the label ‘Music from memory’ in Amsterdam, which has a worldwide reputation as a good maniac music hunter from the past. “On Retinae “ was welcomed again to the world of today.
 In 2017 ‘Valve ’ was released from RVNG NY, co-created  with an ambient duo ‘Visible Cloaks’ in Portland. And they performed together “BALEARIC PARK - RVNG.INTL. JAPAN SHOWCASE” at Shibuya WWW Tokyo, on Nov.
In 2018 They made a tour in Australia (Melbourne, Sydney) with Music From Memory team on Jun.
In 2019 They made a tour in EU (Paris at La Gaîté Lyrique, Stockholm at Hosoi) on May.
In 2020 They made a virtual world tour 'Around the World in a Day' (in each 3 time zone...JST for Asia, Oceania, CET for Europe, Africa, CDT for North and South America.) at RiTTOR BASE Tokyo on Aug.

In 2021 They made a tour "Departures" .(Tokyo, Kyoto, Sapporo)
In 2022 They they released the single "What about this love" and the album "8 red now". and they made live events "Immersive voices - dip in the pool 2022 live" with KORG Live Extreme. (High-res streaming service)


MiyakoKoda mppfoto


1983年に作/編曲を担当する木村達司(track)と、作詞担当の甲田益也子(vo)が結成したデュオ。独特の音楽センスとファッショナブルなヴィジュアルが話題を呼び、86年にイギリスはROUGH TRADEよりデビュー。国内では86年MOON RECORD(現在はワーナーミュージック内のレーベル)よりデビューアルバムをリリース。88年にTV-CMに使用されたシングル「Miracle Play ~ 天使の降る夜」で大きな人気を集めた。     
MOON RECORDでアルバム4枚、EPIC SONY (現在のEPIC RECORD)で3枚、EAST WORKSでアルバム1枚を発表。98年にはEAST WORKSより作曲及びプロデューサーに細野晴臣、清水靖晃、テイ・トウワ、ゴンザレス三上、ピーター・シェラー、etc.という豪華な顔ぶれを迎えた甲田益也子のソロアルバムをリリース。
その後の活動休止を経て2011年に本格的に再始動、14年ぶりになるアルバム「brown eyes」をリリース。
2015年1月に伊藤ゴロー、古川初穂らをゲストに迎えた10枚目のアルバム『HIGHWIRE WALKER』をリリース。
2016年にアムステルダムに本拠を置き世界中に多くのファンを擁する復刻レコード専門レーベルMusic From Memoryから89年に発表した「On Retinae」が12 inch・シングルとしてリイシューされ世界的に再評価される。
2017年にはアメリカのアンビエント・デュオVisible Cloaksからの依頼を受けシングルを共作リリースし、来日イベントでは共演も果たしている。
2020年、カナダの奇才、CFCFとの共作曲をdip in the pool名義としては4年振りにシングルをリリース。
また、世界を三つのタイムゾーン(JST for Asia, Oceania, CET for Europe, Africa, CDT for North and South America.)に分け、それぞれのゾーンに向けたオンラインライブ配信=バーチャル・ワールドツアー 'Around the World in a Day' を開催。
2022年、シングル「What about this love」アルバム「8 red now」をリリースしライブイベント「Immersive voices - dip in the pool 2022 live」をシリーズ開催。このライブはKORGの高音質配信システムLive Extremeを使い通常ステレオ配信以外にもバイノーラル、5.1chサラウンドでハイレゾストリーミング配信された。


TatsujiKimura mppfoto